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#  Customize the screen colors.
#  Copyright (c) 1991-2012 by Hamilton Laboratories.  All rights reserved.

#  This script shows you how to customize the screen colors used by
#  Hamilton C shell and its utilities.  You might just use a script like
#  this for changing your colors, perhaps calling it from your login.csh
#  or you might embed these color settings directly into your login.csh
#  or (after rewriting them as SET statements) into your config.sys.

#  These are the environmental variables controlling screen colors:

#     Name           Use                                  Default

#     ADDITIONS      Lines added found by diff.           Bright White on Green
#     COLORS         Normal screen colors                 White on Blue
#     DELETIONS      Lines deleted found by diff.         Bright White on Red
#     DIRECTORIES    Directories listed by ls.            Bright
#     DUPLICATES     When filename completion matches     Green
#                    more than one name.
#     FOREIGNFILES   Filetypes that have no counterpart   Bright Red
#                    on OS/2.
#     HIGHLIGHT      Current disk or directory.           Bright
#     MATCHFAIL      When filename or command completion  Bright Red
#                    doesn't match anything.
#     MOREEOF        End or Top of File in more.          Green
#     MOREERROR      Unrecognizable command to more.      Bright White on Red
#     MOREFILLIN     User response to more prompt.        Black
#     MOREPROMPT     Prompt line in more.                 Red on White
#     MORETOPMEM     Top of Memory message from more.     Bright Yellow
#     SYSTEMDIRS     Directories with the System bit on.  Bright Green
#     SYSTEMFILES    Files with the System bit on.        Green

#  The colors available in the C shell are black, red, green, yellow, blue,
#  magenta (or blue red), cyan (or blue green) and white.  Foreground colors
#  may also be bright, dim, blink or reverse.  The keyword "on" introduces
#  background colors.  All the names of the colors along with the keywords
#  bright, dim, blink, reverse and on may be in upper, lower or mixed case.
#  The names of the environmental variables must be all in upper case.

#  (Blink causes true blinking only full-screen; in a text window, it
#  just makes the background brighter.)

#  If a foreground or background color is left unspecified, that plane
#  is considered transparent and inherits the color underneath it.

setenv   COLORS         =  white on blue

unsetenv DELETIONS
unsetenv ADDITIONS
unsetenv MOREERROR
unsetenv MOREEOF
unsetenv HIGHLIGHT

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