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        Change Mode Bits on Files (not Directories)

Usage:  chmod [-+] [rRAHSCwh] pathname1 [ pathname2 ... ]


  -r    Recursively change contents of directories.

  +R    Read-only mode is set.  (The file is write-protected.)
  -R    Read-only mode is turned off.

  +A    Archive bit is set.
  -A    Archive bit is turned off.

  +H    Hidden mode is set.
  -H    Hidden mode is turned off.

  +S    Mark as a System file.
  -S    Mark as a normal user file.

  +C    Compress the file or, if it's a directory, mark it so any
        new files created there will be compressed.  (Supported
        only under Windows NT release 3.51 or later and only if
        supported by the filesystem.)
  -C    De-compress the file or, if it's a directory, mark it so
        new files created there will not be compressed.

  -w    Give a warning message but continue trying to chmod any
        remaining files or directories even if problems were
        encountered with some of them.
  -h    Help.  (This screen.)

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