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        Random number generator

Usage:  random [ -c ] [ -b | -e[Digits] | -f[Digits] | -u[Bits] ] [ n ]

   random writes n pseudorandom values to stdout, where the
   values can be unsigned integers, floating point numbers
   between 0.0 and 1.0, or bytes of binary data.  The default
   is one 31-bit unsigned integer.  Default for floating
   point is 6 digits of precision, maximum is 17.

   random relies on the Win32 CryptGenRandom API in Windows as
   the underlying cryptographically secure pseudorandom number


   -c          Continuously write random data until interrupted
               or until writes fail, e.g., if writing into a
               pipe that closes.

   -b          Bytes of binary data.
   -e[Digits]  E-format floating point.
   -f[Digits]  Fixed point floating point.
   -u[Bits]    Unsigned integers, maximum 64 bits.

   -h          Help.     (This screen.)

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