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        Print the Current Working Directories

Usage:  pwd [-ach-] [ disk1 disk2 ... ]

   pwd prints a list of the current directories.  If no disks are
   specified, pwd looks for a DRIVEMASK environmental variable than
   can be used to mask off just the drives you want reported. The
   DRIVEMASK is specified as a list of drive letters; ranges are
   allowed.  Otherwise, all the fixed disk partitions beginning
   with c: are reported.  The current  directory on the current
   drive is highlighted.

   pwd routinely reports everything in lower case for better
   readability.  But pwd will look for an evironmental variable,
   MIXEDCASEDRIVES, giving a list of drives, e.g., f-hq, meaning
   drives F: through H: and drive Q:, which should be displayed
   in mixed case.


   -a   If no disks are specified, report on all disks.
   -c   If no disks are specified, report on just the current disk.
   -h   Help.
   --   End of options.


   You may set your own choices for screen colors using these
   environmental variables:

      Name         Use                             Default
      COLORS       Normal screen colors            <null string>
      HIGHLIGHT    Current disk                    Bright

   Colors recognized are black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta
   (or red blue), cyan (or blue green) or white.  Foreground and
   background colors may also be bright, dim or reverse.  The names
   of the colors and the words bright, dim, reverse and on may be
   in either upper or lower or mixed case.

   Either or both the foreground and background colors may be
   specified; if you don't specify a value, it's considered
   transparent and inherits the color underneath it.   HIGHLIGHT
   inherits from COLORS.  If COLORS is null, pwd uses the
   current screen colors it finds at startup.  Specifying
   COLORS=none turns off all use of color.

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